I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. under the guidance of Prof. Soohyun Kim and Prof. KyungSoo Kim at the Mechatronics, Systems, and Control Lab within the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KAIST. My research interests are centered around 3D computer vision applications, with a specific emphasis on the following areas:
- Depth estimation using cameras: Self-supervised, monocular and multi-view stereo
- Visual localization: Odometry, SLAM, and long-term visual localization
MSC Lab.4F #3443 ID B/D(N25), KAIST, 373-1, Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, 305-701
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Aug 2019 - Present
KAIST, South Korea
Advisor: Prof. Soohyun Kim & Prof. Kyung-Soo Kim -
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
Mar 2017 - Aug 2019
KAIST, South Korea
Advisor: Prof. Soohyun Kim
Revisiting the Receptive Field of Conv-GRU in DROID-SLAM
Antyanta Bangunharcana, Soohyun Kim, Kyung-Soo KimProceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2022
Robotic Mapping Approach under Illumination-Variant Environments at Planetary Construction Sites
Sungchul Hong, Pranjay Shyam, Antyanta Bangunharcana, Hyuseoung ShinRemote Sensing, 2022
Visual SLAM-based robotic mapping method for planetary construction
Sungchul Hong, Antyanta Bangunharcana, Jae-Min Park, Minseong Choi, Hyu-Soung ShinSensors, 2021

Retaining Image Feature Matching Performance Under Low Light Conditions
Pranjay Shyam*, Antyanta Bangunharcana*, Kyung-Soo KimInternational Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 2020
2nd place Robotic Vision Scene Understanding Challenge
Antyanta Bangunharcana, Soohyun Kim, Kyung-Soo Kim
Spotlighted at CVPR 2022 Embodied-AI Workshop
Honorable Mention (=2nd place) Argoverse Stereo Depth Estimation Challenge
Antyanta Bangunharcana, Soohyun Kim, Kyung-Soo Kim
Spotlighted at CVPR 2022 Workshop on Autonomous Driving